BIBLESS = Bible Blessed Better Born Bestowed Benefits, Bio-Bodily-Beings Balance!! pt4



“Ketogenic Diet“: High fat foods and lowest in carbohydrates: And the Key-Tonetic and Keytonegenic; is similar, yet differentiated and distinctly diverse. Deliverance Divine Diet, is declared deliberated, Decreed Deified!

Beauteously Biblessed “Benign Dietary Ketosis”; Long living leading lords love life light locks Lipolysis; An ancient ancestral Africa’s Arthiest Actionary analysis; Grandly great generational genius genesis; When Wexz & Usxz ate animals flesh blood bone marrow synthesis; True tissue tones – tans – tints teaching thesis._

Key-to-ne-gen-ic = Key-tones:= key + to + ton + tones + on + ones x genes – genetics – genesis – generations.

Blac-KeyTonegenics + Blac-Keytonetics; They’re of The Blac-Keys via The BlackRayz. They’re the only Orgon-Omnipresent Ones, original opioids, orgasmic organisms optimal option. In trying times, terrestrial testing, territorial trails and tribulations; meats of diverse animals are actually what Humanoidians had healthily handy. Saved-stored oils – greases – fats for foods. Insects-weevils and reptiles would never invade, and eat these saturated survival substances, self-saving substances.

Grains were only agricultural crops tens of thousands of years, in the aftermath, of civilized citizens. Who began to cultivate wild weeds, grasses and sow seeds. Africoidian females mostly discovered, domesticated, developed the habit of harvesting; grassroots grounds grains, seeds and nuts. And the African males of antiquity, were the wild animal hunters, meat and fresh flesh and fish finders. She baked breads, cakes, cookies, candies, culinary cooking customs, cleanly cultivated crops. Farming + ranching!

Therefore, no such sickness, sociopath societies, psychopath persons, ever existed. Native-natural nourishing nutrients, needed no refinements, processing to rape, rob resource richness, fibers from the vegetations and animal meats, flesh and blood, bone and marrow!

Yes, it is a mandated must, that the foods eaten at meals, biochemical based benefits, biologically bodily born, basically by being bestowed better, blessed best!

Truly this test takes time to transform thoughts, teach talents + train total truth telling thinking 100%+. Old outdated obsolete objectionable opponents, obscene offenders, officially ousted – out!


INSULINEATEINSULINEATION: = in + insulin + line + neat + ea + eat + at + ion + on.

Insulineation: = In-su-lin-e-a-tion: = insulin + lineation. Meaning methods of bio-balancing the levels of insulin. So it stops short of overreacting, producing too much of this human hormone. In turn stop storing the excess adipose accumulation in tissues, and of fat cells, high tides of triglyceride!

Timely testing, thus truthfully treating tissue toxins, the concocted cause of corrupted cells = cursed cellular conditions. Biochemical criminals!



Car=bo-hypo-the-sis – Car=bo-hyper-the-sis: = ca + car x carbon + the + he + sis: States that excess culinary carbohydrates, causing cellular corrosions, corruptions, cancers, contaminations, contagions. Catastrophic cellular conditions! Hypertension, hyper-headaches; due to Carbo-Hyper-Thesis. And such sinister situations, skin – soul sickness is stopped, stabilized, then destructively destroyed. Reversing racialist radicals roaming rouge renegades! Resulting returns, refreshing, restoring righteousness, culminating Carbo-Hypo-Thesis!

“We have to find out what causes the energy imbalance”; Food sources eaten in; and food sources expelled out. Why do we gain fat body weight? Input vs. Output!! Do by eating more calories count to cause overweight-obesity? Does a lack of or less amount of exercise allows adiposity? Do “The Law of Thermodynamics” actually apply, always? Have we been taught, thus trained to think thoughts the untrue, wrong ways?

Lets say that ‘obesity is having to much stored fat’; No bias or prejudice or prejudgments. “What regulates fat accumulation?”

‘Overeating and inactivity are compensative reactions and not causes!’ ‘We don’t get fat because of over eating, but because our fat cells are accumulating far too much fat!’

Counter-combating competitor candied cells, candy calories causing calamities. Y’all see with crystal clear clarity, the sweet sugary substances, surreptitiously serve satanic sources. Sticky substances, slug, slop stoppages, of our circulatory Sciessence Systream. The blood veins, arteries, synaptic nerves connections, clogs, calcifications, becomes cardiac congestion.

Fortunately, first family food foundational fats, fearlessly floods fluids, forcing fast flowing fuels. Pushing pollution poisons; that are plugging people’s pulmonary pathways, clotting corollary circuits, are pushed and pulled post partisan; outside of orderly operations.

Healthy humanity; hostilely held hostages; by unhealthy inhumane hybrid humans = inhumanity hate! This means that humankind is turned in against themselves. Slavers seek some slaves! Subservient subjects, submissive societies. So sadly said; some senseless, sucker stooges, sycophant sellout Samboes. Self-sabotaging, self-suicidal stubbornly stuck stupid Satanists! Serving the Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes. Of the sorcerer sinister scientists, sneaky snake stealthy serpents, surreptitious systemic System SATAN!!!

Completely comprehend and artfully apprehend, these truths 100%+: I AM on nobody’s side, not in anyone’s groupies, gangs, political parties, disorganizations; religiosities, whatsoever!

CK-NWCA: = Our one only optimized options, original organic organisms; Official Occupyneers Omnipresent Organizational Ordered Operation! Optically obvious, objectively overtly opened, ostensibly orgasmic!

As an A+ Son of SUNGODD DEITY, Sovereign Solar Sexus Soul Savior. The entire Eu-Rope-an empire, violently vicious villainous vampire, has been Divinely Decreed Destined Devil Damned, Declared Dead!!!

Therefore, thereby, is being buried, beneath the surface of planetary sphere Love Goddess Mother Nature Earth. Good remedy, bad riddance!!

I AM also Avatar Avenger AmeriAfridian ArtistCHD1; strictly specifically speaking. A Specialized Spiritual Scientist = Spiritist = Spiritious Sciessence = Sciessencist. Serving Spirit Source Science System System’s Sovereign Sciessence Systream!

Constituting – compassing – comprising complete college classes, consummated curriculums. Divine Decreed Degree, of the most Highest Heavens Holy Ghost Spirit of Truth Powered Knowledge = Know How. Healing HueMainity; Holistory Heritage Health, Hotep!


AFRIFATOO FOODOO: = a + fri +fat + at + to + too x food + do + doo.

Afrifatoo FooDoo Diet and Voo Doo: Means melaninated membrane members of All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa’s Africoidian ascendants, ate animals adiposity. Fearlessly fishing for fresh fish, feasting for flesh; first family foundational fats. Salvation’s saturated sustenance too! Fatty foods feeds fullness, fitness, firmness, finesse, yes they do!

VIVID VIBRATING VITALITY = VEGEPLANTERRAIN: Vegetables + Plant + Plan + Planter + Terrain + Rain; are Africoidians, Afrindians, AmeriAfrindians Divinely Decreed Diet. Comprising Clean Cultivated – Cosmic Cultural 1Collards, 2Mustards, 3Turnips grassroots ground green growths. We’s & Us’s original – unique – creative VegePlanTerRain diet deified!

VEG-AFRICROPS: Artistically Arranged Africulture: And averages approx. about 75% vegetation, divided into 50% garden vegetables – 15% fresh fruits – berries_+ 10% grains-seeds – beans-lentils + 10% dairy-milk-cheese – eggs +15% animal flesh, = red blood, bone and marrow = meats; adding sea food-fresh fish-shrimp-crabs-oysters. Combined better bestowed benefit blessings = bio-bodily-balance!!=100%+ pure plant potency =Positive+ Proofed Protection!

VEG-AFRICOIDIAN: Moreover, out of the 50% green garden + colorful vegetables, about 20% cooked, and approx. 10% eat raw; and greens 20% drink live. Realistic ratio-rates!

SUPER-SOLARSUN: Sometimes suggested, I often drink 50% to 75%, chlorophyll cleansing cultivated, homegrown garden greens!

SURE SOURCE: Some Sunshine Supreme Superior Sustaining Substance-Spiritualized Sustenance = SAVIIOR = Satanic Sinister System Solved

OK YAWLS: Here’s how I’ve broken back down dietary dimensions. That above stated 75% vegetation is comprised of big bulk, fiber that is indigestible and or insoluble. But actually the water – fluid contents of the vegetable plants, is a lots lesser in weights and measures. The remaining juice in quantity is much smaller. Let us roughly say, approx. about 10% pure plant potency; left out of 50% vegetables. Also adding and subtracting substance, fiber from fresh fruits, leaving approx. about 5% juice out of our originating 15%. = 10% fiber.

Grains, rice, corn, oats, wheat, beans, seeds, nuts, lentils as all dried plants, containing no water. Equals = a total of 10% weight as they initially were; as an average approximation.

So then at this time, punctual place; I am adding the juices – water – fluids together in quantity or amount. That’s 5% + 10% = 15% total. In which measurements and accounting, means that the VegePlanTerRain Diet, is made up of approx. about 60% fiber fillings. More or less! Subtracting that number from 75% vegetation = 15% juices.

Moreover, likewise, when we add up all of the dairy – cows calves milk, cheese, butter, pigs pork-fat-lard, meat-flesh-fat tallow…, chicken-foul – beef, fish, lamb, wild life, so forth and so on. The blood and water and fluids, oils, greases, fats, constitutes, equals = approx. about; 80%. With the remaining material matter 20% waste. Digested foods.

And after all adding and subtracting and multiplying is over, what we now have is a highly healthy human habitat = holistic healing home – humored happy house!

The combined composition of clean cultivate chlorophyll collards1 mustards2 turnips3; plus+ adding sodium sea salt, pigs pork-lard, saturated fat, coconut oil. Then cook them together til-tender. Also, taking a bunch of homegrown garden greens; placing them inside a blenders or mixer, not juicer. Then drink this magical miracle maker mix, energize elixir, detoxifier dietary drank. As a composite culinary curative!

Purposed people’s propaganda poisonous pigs pork prejudice; Ignorant Islamic invaders injustice; The Nation of Islam Muslim Mohammedans mice; Evil enemy energy entities entice; Baked bean pies, starches, grains, potatoes and rice; Nothing eaten that’s holistically healthful nor nutritionally nice; Their hog hate hold humans hostages like lice; Now Africans in America are paying a pathetic pathologic price._

These tissue terrorizing tyrannical thugs; Racist radical renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religion rugs; Mean madmen monster Mohammedan Muslim mugs; Black bandits bogusly bias bigoted bastardized bitchcraft bugs.__

Arabized African American antagonist adversarial alien agents; Regressive repressive recessive recalcitrant regents; Guilty grownup ghetto gangster gambling gutter gents; Criminally corrupt cowards cancer causing cellular cents; Branded Black being bold bigots badly baked by burning bents; Terrestrial territorial tissue tormenting torturing tents; Devilishly demonic devolved destructive dents; Religious racists runs rants rats rodents rents.__

They’re the ones who wantonly wooed; Attacked and assaulted Solar Sexus Soul Food; First family fundamental founded flavored fast fat food; Changing culinary customs clean cultural cuisine clued; Conquering criminal crooks corrupted crude; Devil Damned demonic dud; Muslims manufactured mythological mystery mood; Gambling ghetto grownup gangsters got glued; Societies sought secure safety so successfully sued.__


FATTACKS: = fat + at + tacks = fact attacks! Conversely + inversely + adversely + diversely defined. First family and foremost fortunes founded Fattacks. Foolish faith followers fakers fatty foods. Falsely formulated fats are trans-tissue toxins, terrestrial terrorists, terrain tormentors, terrestrial torturers, tyrannical thugs. Bad beliefs bugs bio-bodily beings, bogusly bible based bias, bigotries, black branding bastardized bitchcrafts. Arabized African Americans are asinine asses, attacking Africoidians, Afrindians, and AmeriAfrindians,

Worshipers who wisely wish wisdom’s wealth, Happy humored holistic health; Stopping stupid surreptitious scientific sinister stealth.__

Racially restricted recurring results; Incipient incited injected inoculation insults._ Fat free foolishness finalizes fatally; Fictitious finding folklore finality._ Native natural negatives neutrality; Perfecting potent plants planetary principality; Artworks authentically authorized appointed anointed actuality; Realized rare rich royalties resourceful reality.__

Counting calories, carbohydrates chemical composition. Postponing prejudiced politics polluted propaganda poisonous position; Seriously stopping some silly superstition; Fighting for full fat freedom forfeiting fakers fiction; Native natural nourishing national nutrition; Ingesting intellectualize intelligence instinctive intuition: My mastermind melanin messiahs mental model mission.__

Not to appease and appeal to “Black & Whites”; But better Biblessed being Brights & Lights & Rights; Eventfully in the divine deep Darks of Nights; Fat foundations fearless fights; For famous fortunes flying flights; Picking perfect plants potent plights.__


FATTACK: = fat + at + attack + tack + ac. Are fat attacks as added adiposity.

FAT-TENSION – FATENSION+ FAT-TENTIONFATENTIION: = fat + at + ten + tent + en + ion + on

Fat-an-tion; = fat-ten-tion; Means paying attention to how much fat is being eaten, culinary customarily consumed. How much the body biological needs, retains, produce, reduce, maintain as adipose cells = fatty tissues. Giving one’s attention to more or less fat weight; good or bad, high or low; negative or positive. Sometimes trans-tissue – toxin tension. Both spellings spoken, said, says the same sound.


VALUITION: VALYOUITION: = value + al + you + it + ion + on

Val-you-ition or Val-u-it-ion: Verified valid values, valiance – valence – valor – victory. Innate intrinsic ions, intuitions, instincts, intelligence, intellect, immaculate imagination. We will want to devalue villains, vicious violence, viruses. Versatile valuables, interchangeable virtues + values. Citizens can consciously conceive cleanliness, correct cultural conditions. And they voluntarily values volumes. This happens or occurs through thoughts, thinking truths 100%+ = Valuations x Valuations – Valyouitions. Yes y’all are very valued!

The no fat low fat less fat fads foods fends; Are never our originating organic orgins; Can’t be welcomed invited ins – devils dead ends; Nor truly tell the truthful trends; Frankenstein foods faking friends; Our only objectionable opponents overtly offends; Breaking backs that never bows and bends; But better benefit blessings buys baby born blends; Long lasting lords love life light locks lends.__


SOURCE – SOURCESS – SOURCESSFUL – SOURCESSITY: = so + sour + source + our + full + it; Solemnly, silently seeks some sublime success. Serenely successful seekers. Sowing seeds of sanity, soundness, sensibility; as opposed to interjecting senility, insanity, inhumanity.

Sourcess sown seeds secedes simple success; Leaning leadership lessons lots less; AfiricAnglo-American access: An activated albino abolitionist actress; Roles rather ripe really rottenness.

Honor your father and mother; Then teach your sister and brother; Like nobody else other;


CULTYOUR: = cu + cult + you + your + our. = Culture your youth and cultivate clean crops. They’re all cults, good or bad, right or wrong, in and of themselves. Yours + Ours = Cult-u-yours; reversed reads, you culture yours.

CULTYOURATE: Cult-your-rate; what you ate. Cultivate what you make, bake, take, date, mate, hate. Rate your culinary cooking customs, curative cultures.

Calculating clean crops compassionately; Put potent planetary plants passionately._ Cultyourates; Chlorophll catalyst consummates, Conscious cooking communicates; Concurrently compensates; Correctly cultivates; Your courting cute cakes; Fulfilling fatty fates; Delicious dimple dumplings darling dates; Rich recopies royally rates.__

Canned Cristo criminal culprits; Vicious vegetable oil bad bandits; Far too much omega-6 in its grits; Cancer cell cooking composites; Ridiculous regimented requisites; Demon devils diet dopey drung deposits;

Fat foods fruitful fidelity: Saturated strong standing stability;

Trans-tissue-toxins: are destructively damaged vegetations fatty oils. Demonically done due to the profiteers politicized processes. Producing potent pollutions, poisoning public people’s planetary populations, posing pervasive problems. Expressly, evil enemy Eu-Rope-ans entering Africa as angry Anglo-alien agents, antagonist adversaries, and al Qaida Occupying Operatives!

Concurrently coming, CauCrazian criminally corrupt capitalists – colonialists – corporatists. Contagiously contaminating clean culinary cultures, curative customs cross-countries and continentally corrupting citizenries for centuries. Racist religious radicals restricting, removing rare rich royal resources; recklessly, repeatedly, redundantly robbing and raping and raiding. Taking away widespread practices in farming, agricultures and raising livestock, domesticated and wild animals. Having high fat foods for fuel, inclusively, coconut oil, palm oil, gifted greasy guts of healthy hogs, pigs pork producing lard.

Wild boars BIBLESSLY so salvations swine: Ancient Africans even made the world’s wealthiest wines; Grew grapes growing on long venue vines; True talents terrestrial training tissue times; Making more melanin magical miracle mines; Dietitians dinner dishes dutifully divines; Delightful delicatessens duly do dines; Rich rarities royalties readily rendered really refines.__

Animals fatty acids fighting degenerative disease; Plus+ plant potencies plated pretty please; Staying away from demon doctors with increasing ease; Tactically trapping trans-tissue-toxins that tease; Clean cooked chitterlings Cult-You-Rated crease; Genesis genius gifted gutsy grease.__

Fat fitness foods forthcoming fortified fence; Guarantees taste and spiritualized succulence; Divinely decreed disease defense; Saving souls success sixth sense; Serving some sane sensible solar sun suspense; Polluting and poisoning the planet’s plants is presently a past-tense; Righteous reparations restitutions recompense.__

Spiritious Sciessentials: Fatty acids essentials; ChriystLikelyens curing credentials; Planetary productions published positive potentials;

Plant potency proof proved prudential; Melanin mastermind messiahs mindset mutual; Excellent eaten energies everybody’s eventual; Enhanced elevated eateries evidential; Completely curing cellular cancers consequential.__

Eat fat juicy steaks; Trimming skin off meat makes mindless mistakes; Tenderized tissues time truly takes; Wild grass fed livestock licking sea salt slates; Drinking well water with ponds and lakes; Only hostile humans hogs how they hates; Monster minded Muslim Mohammedans mostly madmen makes; So put plenty pigs pork upon your platters or plates.__

Do indeed use saturated fats for deep-frying; And don’t believe those who keep on lying; It doesn’t even burn bad so bravely keep on buying; No smoke in the kitchen air causing cooks to keep on crying; Suspicious spooks storekeepers secretly spying; While fatless fools just continues on dying; Deified dietary dessert delights deserve drying; Pressure cookers and mason jar tops prying; Ate all acids as an artful approach applying.__

The Anglo-American Heart Association: CauCarazian cancer causing creation; Let us point the punitive probation; Evil finger at their planetary privation; No one else developed destructive deprivation; Negative neo-Nazi namely nasty naughty nose nation; Posing politicized problems propagation; Producing prison population; Poisoning people purposed pollution perpetration.__

There’s no other optical “God” other than Sovereign Solar SUNGODD; I’m talking all about saturated sunshine sod; The leading long-lasting loving Lord’s lard; We even use to breath in the candles light lard; Surely safe sacred skin sheen shinny shod; Before electric lights begin to bombard; Healthy humans hatefully hard; Blatantly blasting bio-bodily-beings bard; So grow your own homegrown green garden guard; And forget about the less-low-no fat fraud; Saving some Sciessence sea salt shell shard.

Yes we use to breath in the burning candle wax: Coating the leisurely lungs lax; Needing dishwashing detergents nor scouring powder Ajax; Smoking and burning the fuel fatty flax; Taming the trans-tissue-toxins terrorizing tax.__

Cha-cha culinary cuisine; Picked pickled peppers and tomatoes green; Adding onions and garlic then slightly steam; Sprit scissions sacred Systream: Your eyes glow graciously and glaringly gleam; Super superior spiritual supreme; Mastermind melann messiahs mellow mean.__

Africa’s animal eating nomadic tribe in Kenya and Tanzania the Masai, The mastermind man Mr. Marcus Garvey Mossiah; More melaninated member membranes upon Mt. Mariah; MASTER1 media mental models messiah; Protection from predatory profiteers piranha pariah.__

COLOR KINGDOM NWCA contradicts; The alleged fact that eating saturated fat fits’ Leads to unhealthy heart disease dots and dits and addicts, But it may surprise you to know that these tats and tits; False “fact” isn’t a fact at all in its. Hog hate hypothesis prejudice pits; Fraud in fact lies lit and zits; From the 1950s that’s never been proved to be bad bits; Nor hurtful human health hard headed hits.__

Back in 1953 the year an Anglo-American physiologist named Ancel Keys, Developed the devastating demonic dietary disease; In gross biochemical violation of Z-Blac-Keyz; Doing destructive damages as he politically please.__

But he had help from co-conspirators; Who’re just a guilty as arsine ass American Anglo actors; When we add all of the truest fat factors; Sending societies straight to the funeral home parlors; A satanic system basely built upon slave labors; And there’s nothing sanely said about safe harbors.__

Killer Keys wrote that while the total death rate in the United States was declining; The number of deaths due to heart disease was steadily climbing._ Deterring delicious dinner dinning; And started starchy sweet surgery stuff shrine-ning; Whole wheat flour foods carbohydrates refining; Leaving leisurely living lining.__

Mad mean men manufactured mortalities; Fatty foods never causes these deadly fatalities; It is the fakers false Frankenstein foods finalities; Caused by CauCrazians corrupt criminalities.__ No longer to be confused with clean cultured Caucasians; On our optimized official occasions.__

While “Whites” argue against wicked witchcraft WhitTies will; They have humans held hostage upon the highest hate hill; Imposing their trans-tissue toxic terrorizing till; Controlling citizens of colorful skins skill; Dominating nonwhites wheel; Dishing their dirty devils demonic deal; We’s & Us’s already knew killers kill; And acknowledged the poisonous prescription pill: As the clinical cost refused to pay the total till: Polluted price of the bankrupting bill; Mining meaningless minds making mill; Manufacturing monster media mad men meal.__

The liars lying link between fat fortuitously feared; Consumption and heart disease disappeared; Meanwhile failing health never neared; Before they taught untruths to people politically peered; Swine slop saved soils slovenly smeared; Bragging boasting bigoted bandits black beard; Raised radical religious racism rouge renegades reared.__

The trans-tissue toxins lazy liable label lipid; Human hate hypothesis hideously hid; Holistic heath healing injustice to make money mid; Brainwashed bandits banking bucks bid; Some slippery swine slops soldiers slid; Killing kindhearted kinky kindergarten kid._ Prejudicing people’s psychologies against porky pigs; Burry bodies underground the deeper digs; But we’re enjoying fresh fruits from free flowing figs; As the religious racist rob resources rigs.__

The Anglo-American owned and operated; Food industry makes trans fats fatally fated. They do this as strategically stated; By shooting hydrogen atoms activated; Into polyunsaturated; Vital vegetable oils inundated; Divine dietary defenses destructively devastated; No longer ChriystLikelyen clean cultured crop consecrated.__

Yes a whole lots of MY PEOPLE over the last 30 years have died; Due to their tyrannical thug trans-tissue toxins terrorists tried; Ropes around our necks nooses tightly tied; Evil enemy Eu-Rope-an eugenicists eyed; Everybody else of cosmetic color complexions cried; Simply because they knew how hatemongers hide; While WhitTies wicked witchcrafts worldwide; Caused civilizations to crumble and combustibles concurrently collide; Then walk with their hateful heads held high in prejudicial prestigious pride.__

“Crisco: A hundred years ago less than one in one hundred Americans were obese and coronary heart disease was unknown. Pneumonia, diarrhea and enteritis, and tuberculosis were the most common causes of death. Now, a century later, the two most common causes of death are coronary heart disease and cancer, which account for 75 percent of all deaths in this country. There were 500 cardiologists practicing in the U.S. in 1950. There are 30,000 of them now – a 60-fold increase for a population that has only doubled since 1950.”

Y’all listen up and pay close attention; Angry Americanized Anglos have us in dervish detention; Thus taking the good paying pension; Salaried jobs away from Deified Dimension; As they stealthy seek school students suspension; In hopes of deterring Divine Intervention; Now next the impoverished poor community convention; Has to buy bad foods in cheapest contention; Highly heated vegetable oils rancid retention; Invidious insidious institutionalized invention.__

Therefore the incredible impact; Intentionally inflict and infect the Redbone high yellows Brown and blue Black; Afterwards “Whites” widespread whack; Don’t like to talk about their terrifying tract; Racist recurring repressive regressive rack; Specializing in showing surface superficial symptomatic sack; Hiding hate history who human heads they happily hack; But Africoidians in the Americas takes Africa all back; Cutting CauCrazian criminals no sentimental slack; Causing contaminating CIA sponsored cocaine crack; Clean culinary cultivations corrupt Caucasians simply lack.__

Nobody else but capitalist CauCrazians created corrosive condition; Deliberately depriving Africans of nourishing nutrition._ Causing criminalizing compelling circumstances; The artificial activities always advances; As long a cowardice citizens just keep on doing dances; Too scared to take on strong strategic stances; Thus to fully free themselves from racist Roman romances; Courageously taking calculated chances; Instead of political party petty prances; Guilty gambling grownup ghetto gangster glances.__

Whosesoever these thug Eu-Rope-ans go; They usurp the Love Peace & Hamony y’all now today know; Happy healthy healing homelands low; Are depleted in minerals severely so; Git the Hades hell out of Mother Africa also; Nobody living need their angry Anglo-glow; Dark on Dark crimes is all they love to show: Assuming no responsibilities for their racist row; We’re having a long historical hard hitting hoe; Flee fast running races and don’t do it slow; Too many grown grains attracts the corn eating crow; So leave us alone to choose crops we want to grow.__

About ArtistCHD1 AmericAfrindian

The Original Creator AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, founder of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts CyberJazzBluesRapP; HipP & LapP!!
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